Saturday, May 16, 2015

3 Year Old Anatomy Lesson

Last post for the night, promise! This is a J story.  Now, J is my funny guy. He will do almost anything to get a laugh, and he gets lots of laughs.

This happened just this last week. My sister in law was babysitting them and she stepped away telling J that she had to pee and that she'd be right back. This must have gotten the hamster wheels-a-turning, because when she came out he said "Girls don't pee, they don't have pee pees!" Rather than give this inquiring 3 year old an anatomy lesson, she says, "Yes we do, we just sit down."  And this seemed to satisfy him.

About 2 days later, I left the dinner table to use the bathroom and when I returned he said, "Mom, girls don't go pee, they don't have pee pees." So I said that we did have pee pees, they just look different.  A look of understanding falls on his face, then his eyes got really big and he looks at me, "Do girls have butts too??

A Warning to the Toilet

When C was potty training, we of course taught him the proper terms of his equipment. He dropped the word "Penis" so casually, it made many adults' eyes widen in shock when he would talk so casually about his.

There was one time in particular, he was about 3, and we were watching a game at Buffalo Wild Wings. He must have had a ton to drink because he went to the bathroom 9 times that night.

Well, after the first 5 times or so, I was going into the bathroom with him and he dropped his drawers in front of the toilet and shouted:

"Look out toilet, my penis is gonna get you!" and he does his business and that was that. 

I heard a few gasps and giggles from the neighboring stalls, and I of course was a mixture of embarrassed and amused.


I am a 28 year old mom of 3 darling children. For privacy reasons, I won't post their names but they will be known as C- who's 7 years old and in first grade, J- who's about 4 and still at home, and R- who is only 14 months old so we might not get any fun tidbits of her sayings just yet.

I can't tell you how many times I have said I should start a blog to record some of the things my kids say, one to help me always have a record of it, but to also share their fun little tidbits with the world. I will post as often as I can with their funny highlights.  I will also share some past stories because I can't lose those either!

To start things off, I'll share a conversation between me and my 7 year old, C.

To give you a little background, I'm single mom-ing it for a while and my kids have so much energy, they wear me out by the end of the day. We were running errands all day and they had been so naughty that day, running down aisles, hiding in clothing racks, temper tantrums, you name it. So, we are walking through JCPennys and I finally said to C:

Me: "Oh my gosh C, I'm going to sell you to the circus!"  He looks at me with a bit of concern and shakes it off in disbelief.
C: "No you won't Mom."
Me: "Oh yes I would!" He looks at me with his big brown puppy dog eyes...
C: "Mom, would you really sell me to the circus?"
Me: "Of course not baby....(he breathes a sigh of relief)... I don't think they'd buy you. You have too much energy.
C: "Well SOME people want to buy me."
ME: "Like who?"  He thinks for a second...
C: "Bad guys!"
Me: "Why would a bad guy buy you?"
C: "Because he'd want to kill me, duh!"
Me: "Well, wouldn't that be counter-productive? Why would somebody spend money on you just to kill you?"  He ponders this for a few seconds.
C: "Good point Mom. I don't think anyone would buy me either." 

Haha, makes me smile!! I hope that it made you smile too! Stay tuned for more!